Divine Gate Wiki
Divine Gate Wiki
Divine Gate (聖なる扉)
Occurrences [+/-]
1st Occurrence[1] 2014/09/27 19:00 ~ 2014/09/30 18:59
2nd Occurrence 2014/10/16 19:00 ~ 2014/10/20 18:59
3rd Occurence 2015/01/02 19:00 ~ 2015/01/05 18:59
4th Occurence 2015/03/13 19:00 ~ 2015/03/14 18:59
5th Occurence 2015/05/08 19:00 ~ 2015/05/09 18:59
Preamble [+/-]
閉じられた筈の、聖なる入口は開かれた。現れたるは、光と闇の翼を持つ神。さあ、黄昏の審判を始めましょう。扉を開けた悪戯王は悪戯な笑顔を浮かべた。 The Holy Entrance that should have been closed, was opened. The one that appeared was, the god with wings of light and darkness. "Now, let's begin the Twilight Judgement." The Mischief King who opened the gates smiled mischievously. 
Story [+/-]
聖暦の王により閉じられた扉は悪戯王により再び開かれた。だが、道化竜の償いによる二度目の裏切り、想定よりも早い解放、現れたのは不完全な扉の君だった。神へ抗う塔の最上階、開かれた扉により始まった黄昏の審判は終焉を迎えようとしていた。 The gates closed by the King of the Holy Age was opened by the Mischief King. However, as the Clown Dragon's atonement becomes a second betrayal, the release was earlier than estimated, and the one that appeared was the incomplete Master of the Gate. On the top floor of the tower to rebel against god, the Twilight Judgement that had started because of the opened gates began to welcome it's end.

Holy Entrance: Legend (聖なる入口:神級)[]

Stamina Floor EXP Rewarded Coins Tickets
50 3 2700 10000 0
Square Unit Attack HP Defense Turn Drop
1,2,3,4 026-icon 15033 74482 3021 2 025-icon
  • Normal Hit (75%)
  • Fire Breath (ファイアブレス): Deals 34575 Damage (230% of ATK) (25%)
1,3,4,5,6 100-icon 12920 70903 1842 2 099-icon
  • Normal Hit (75%)
  • Attack Break (アタック・ブレイク): Reduces Attack Power down to 70% for 4 turns and deals 9690 Damage (75% of ATK) (25%)
2 112-icon 6034 80912 1647 1 111-icon
  • Normal Hit (66.7%)
  • Cure Aqua (キュアアクア): Heals 20% of the enemies' HP (33.3%)
1,2 078-icon 12182 80440 1966 2 077-icon
3 125-icon 21661 117084 1506 3 125-icon
2 068-icon 4918 51160 791 1 067-icon
  • Random Break (ランダムブレイク) - Randomly changes every panel and deals 4918 Damage.
6330 66443 1799 1
  • Normal Hit (66.7%)
  • Celes Light (セレスライト) - Deals 14559 Damage. (230% of ATK) (33.3%)
7333 64675 1698 1
  • Normal Hit (8799 under the effect of Defense Break) (66.7%)
  • Defense Break (ディフェンス・ブレイク) - Deals 7333 Damage (8799 under the effect of Defense Break) and increases Damage taken up to 120% for 4 turns. (33.3%)
5901 67204 178 2
  • Heart Break: Dark (ハートブレイク:ダーク) - Turns every Heart panel into a Dark one and deals 5901 Damage.
20134 68901 30030 3
13813 61164 19688 2
23872 117084 6141 2
  • Normal Hit (75%)
  • Fire Breath (ファイアブレス) - Deals 54905 Damage (230% of ATK) (25%)
18858 300990 4893 2
6 126-icon 39320 250575 4984 3 125-icon
  • Normal Hit (75%)
  • 猛突進 ("Ferocious Charge") - Deals 90436 Damage (230% of ATK) (25%)
5,6 300-icon 9446 75180 2657 1 068-icon
  • Random Break (ランダムブレイク) - Randomly changes every panel and deals 9446 Damage.
5,6 442-icon 30606 78352 29997 3 096-icon
! 204-icon 525 25 30000 1 204-icon
! 028-icon 46778 817120 5742 2 100px-027-icon
  • Normal Hit (75%)
  • Magma Breath (マグマブレス) - Deals 116945 Damage (250% of ATK) (25%)
! 335-icon 21291 562705 6675 1 100-icon
  • Normal Hit (75%)
  • Attack Break (アタック・ブレイク): Reduces Attack Power down to 70% for 4 turns and deals 15968 Damage (75% of ATK) (25%)
18117 598560 3922 1
  • Normal Hit (66.7%)
  • Cure Aqua (キュアアクア): Heals 20% of the enemies' HP (33.3%)
20294 451125 4002 1 116-icon
  • Normal Hit (66.7%)
  • Celes Light (セレスライト) - Deals 46676 Damage. (230% of ATK) (33.3%)
22119 488050 6785 1
  • Normal Hit (26542 under the effect of Defense Break) (66.7%)
  • Defense Break (ディフェンス・ブレイク) - Deals 22119 Damage (26542 under the effect of Defense Break) and increases Damage taken up to 120% for 4 turns. (33.3%)
Boss 891-icon 9977 3330000 8888 1 No Drop
Beginning of Battle Does nothing.
  • 闇の鼓動 ("Beat of Darkness") - Deals damage equal to 30% of the current health. 50%
  • Jamming Break (ジャミング・ブレイク) - Deals 9977 Damage (11972 under the effect of Defense Break) and prohibits Active Skill use for 3 turns. 16.7%
  • Attack Break (アタック・ブレイク) - Deals 9977 Damage (11972 under the effect of Defense Break) and reduces Attack Power down to 70% for 4 turns. (16.7%)
  • Defense Break (ディフェンス・ブレイク) - Deals 9977 Damage (11972 under the effect of Defense Break) and increases Damage taken up to 120% for 4 turns. (16.7%)
  • Jamming Break (ジャミング・ブレイク) - Deals 9977 Damage (11972 under the effect of Defense Break) and prohibits Active Skill use for 3 turns. 16.7%
  • Attack Break (アタック・ブレイク) - Deals 9977 Damage (11972 under the effect of Defense Break) and reduces Attack Power down to 70% for 4 turns. (16.7%)
  • Defense Break (ディフェンス・ブレイク) - Deals 9977 Damage (11972 under the effect of Defense Break) and increases Damage taken up to 120% for 4 turns. (16.7%)
  • 常闇の鼓動 ("Beat of Everlasting Darkness") - Deals damage equal to 25% of maximum health. 50%
Boss 890-icon 25053 10000000 12800 2 No Drop
Beginning of Battle 終わりを始めよう ("Let's start the End") - Randomly changes every panel and deals 25053 Damage.

1) Deals 40084 Damage (160% of ATK)

2) Deals 40084 Damage (160% of ATK)

3) Deals 40084 Damage (160% of ATK)

4) 無の鼓動 ("Beat of Void") - Deals 45095 Damage (180% of ATK)

  • 炎の鼓動 ("Beat of Fire") - Deals 40084 Fire Damage. (160% of ATK) 16.7%
  • 水の鼓動 ("Beat of Water") - Deals 40084 Water Damage. (160% of ATK) (16.7%)
  • 風の鼓動 ("Beat of Wind") - Deals 40084 Wind Damage. (160% of ATK) (16.7%)
  • 光の鼓動 ("Beat of Light") - Deals 40084 Light Damage. (160% of ATK) (16.7%)
  • 闇の鼓動 ("Beat of Darkness") - Deals 40084 Dark Damage. (160% of ATK) (16.7%)
  • 絶無の鼓動 ("Beat of Naught") - Deals 57621 Damage. (230% of ATK) (16.7%)
Boss 892-icon 51272 3330000 8888 3 No Drop
Beginning of Battle Does nothing
  • 自己修復 ("Self Restoration") - Heals 25% of the enemies' HP. (40%)
  • 闇なき光 ("Shadowless Light") - Deals 51272 Damage and uses poison that will last 5 turns (deals damage equal to 0.3xATK every turn) (20%)
  • Random Break (ランダムブレイク) - Randomly changes every panel and deals 51272 Damage. (20%)
  • Heart Break: Random (ハートブレイク:ランダム) - Changes every Heart panel randomly and deals 51272 Damage. (20%)
  • 自己修復 ("Self Restoration") - Heals 25% of the enemies' HP. (50%)
  • 闇なき光 ("Shadowless Light") - Deals 51272 Damage and uses poison that will last 5 turns (deals damage equal to 0.3xATK every turn) (16.7%)
  • Random Break (ランダムブレイク) - Randomly changes every panel and deals 51272 Damage. (16.7%)
  • Heart Break: Random (ハートブレイク:ランダム) - Changes every Heart panel randomly and deals 51272 Damage. (16.7%)
Boss (Evolved) 893-icon 56023 33660000 16000 1 Empty
Beginning of Battle 共に一つになろう ("Let's become one together") - Fully heals the party and prohibits Active Skill use for 4 turns.
  • 炎の鼓動 ("Beat of Fire") - Deals 89636 Fire Damage. (160% of ATK) 20%
  • 水の鼓動 ("Beat of Water") - Deals 89636 Water Damage. (160% of ATK) (20%)
  • 風の鼓動 ("Beat of Wind") - Deals 89636 Wind Damage. (160% of ATK) (20%)
  • 光の鼓動 ("Beat of Light") - Deals 89636 Light Damage. (160% of ATK) (20%)
  • 闇の鼓動 ("Beat of Darkness") - Deals 89636 Dark Damage. (160% of ATK) (20%)

1) Skill Jamming (スキル・ジャミング) - Prohibits Active Skill use for 4 turns.

2) 浄化 ("Purification") - Uses poison that will last 5 turns and deals damage equal to 0.3xATK every turn.

3)Random Break (ランダムブレイク) - Randomly changes every panel and deals 56023 Damage.

4) 喜びたまえ ("Rejoice") - Deals 56023 Damage.

5) 無の波動 ("Wave of Void") - Deals 56023 Damage.

6) これはご褒美だよ ("This is your reward") - Does nothing

7) 絶無の波動 ("Wave of Naught") - Deals 156864 Damage. (280% of ATK)


1) Prelude (プレリュード) - Reduces Attack Power down to 1% for 4 turns.

2) 美しきこの世界で ("In this beautiful world") - Deals 56023 Damage and randomly changes every panel.

3) 喜びを分かち合おう ("Let us share this joy") - Deals 56023 Damage and randomly changes every panel.

4) 開かれた扉の ("Towards the") - Deals 56023 Damage and randomly changes every panel.

5) その先へ ("Opened Gates") - Deals 56023 Damage and randomly changes every panel.

6) 黄昏の審判 ("Twilight Judgement") - Deals 252103 Damage. (450% of ATK)

  • 業炎の鼓動 ("Wave of Hellfire")- Deals 100841 Fire Damage (121009 under the effect of 業炎の鼓動)(180% of ATK)and increases Damage taken up to 120% for 2 turns. 20%
  • 流水の波動 ("Wave of Stream") - Deals 100841 Water Damage (121009 under the effect of 業炎の鼓動) (180% of ATK) and reduces Attack Power down to 70% for 2 turns. (20%)
  • 旋風の波動 ("Wave of Whirldwind") - Deals 100841 Wind Damage (121009 under the effect of 業炎の鼓動) (180% of ATK) ,and uses a poison that will lasts for 2 turns and deals damage equal to 0.3xATK every turn. (20%)
  • 閃光の波動 ("Wave of Flash") - Deals 100841 Light Damage (121009 under the effect of 業炎の鼓動) (180% of ATK) ,and uses a poison that will lasts for 2 turns and prohibits Active Skill use for 2 turns. (20%)
  • 常闇の鼓動 ("Wave of Everlasting Darkness") - Deals 156864 Dark Damage (188236 under the effect of 業炎の鼓動) (280% of ATK) (20%)
70th turn 1.扉は閉じられた ("The Gate has been closed") - Prohibits Active Skill use for 99 turns.
71th Turn

1.End Roll (エンドロール) - Deals 224092 Damage (400% of ATK)

  • First Completion Reward: 20px-Coin2x1
  • The Boss will drop one of these three units randomly: 890-icon891-icon892-icon. You will need a minimum of three runs to get the evolved unit 893-icon

Event List
Single-Area Events 257-icon Halloween Land: Reaping District375-icon Holy Night Town492-icon Sweet Chocolatier557-icon Sweet Grande Maison640-icon Garden of Carnation696-icon Wedding Hall Inertia756-icon Milky Way868-icon Lunamiria Town1207-icon Cherry Garden Ryouran1226-icon School Life in Divine Gate1415-icon Someday in the Summer
Descends 296-icon Utopia Avalon343-iconNightless Nightmare436-icon Fortress Catastrophe534-icon Beautiful Palace Colosseo595-icon Ancient Shrine Hill's Ark625-icon Limited Station Caucasus752-icon Palace of Ocean Niraikanai864-icon Palace of Flame Arcadia893-icon Divine Gate963-icon Palace of Wind Hourai1009-icon Palace of Underground Agartha1062-icon Necro Hospitals Revia1110-icon Gigantic Base Jotunheimr1159-icon Bastille Saint-Antoine1203-icon Monastery Myrddin1264-icon Palace of Incineration Arcadia1275-icon Burial Hall Rosenia1323-icon Priming Cave Triton1380-icon Assembly Hall Heorot1427-icon Palace of Weathering Hourai1446-icon Underground Altar of Grimoire1742-icon Palace of Sea Burial Niraikanai1811-icon Godlike Base Jotunheimr1847-icon Immovable Space Acala Naatha1881-icon Training Hall Tempest1917-icon Gloomy Town Dread1963-icon Narcissus Hall Muse2011-icon Audit Office Laufey2040-icon [Recollection] Beautiful Palace Colosseo
Collaborations 227-icon Steins;Gate321-icon Fairy Tail418-icon Attack on Titan471-icon Princess Punt Sweets523-icon To Aru Majutsu No Index575-icon Psycho-Pass669-icon Date A Live II717-icon WEGO720-icon Vocaloid803-icon Gungho861-icon Puella Magi Madoka Magica947-icon Durarara!!x21049-icon Fate/stay night1080-icon Road to Dragons1102-icon No Game No Life1140-icon The Irregular at Magic High School1192-icon Black Bullet1254-icon Nisekoi1294-icon Dangan Ronpa1369-icon Strike the Blood1400-icon Neon Genesis Evangelion1468-icon Fullmetal Alchemist1495-icon The Seven Deadly Sins1839-icon Akame Ga Kill!1868-icon Shakugan no Shana1909-icon Blood Blockade Battlefront2002-icon Bleach
Area Series
Fairy Tale Series
260-icon Little Red Riding-Hood262-icon Alice in Wonderland264-icon Sleeping Beauty266-icon A Cinderella Story268-icon Tale of Bamboo Cutter270-icon Snow White
Bathroom Beauties

390-icon Helen's Bathroom392-icon Ononokomachi's Bathroom394-icon Yang Guifei's Bathroom396-icon Catherine's Bathroom398-icon Cleopatra's Bathroom400-icon Elizabeth's Bathroom

Ancient Palaces

500-icon Ancient Palace Amerikana494-icon Ancient Palace Industra502-icon Ancient Palace Anders504-icon Ancient Palace Kougania496-icon Ancient Palace Egyptra498-icon Ancient Palace Mesopotia

Illusionary Stations

602-icon Illusionary Station Sakurada606-icon Illusionary Station Alcala598-icon Illusionary Station Holsten600-icon Illusionary Station Haarlem608-icon Illusionary Station Latina604-icon Illusionary Station Rasho

Far East Gardens

708-icon Far East Garden Kiri712-icon Far East Garden Fuji716-icon Far East Garden Ume710-icon Far East Garden Susuki714-icon Far East Garden Yanagi706-icon Far East Garden Matsu

Disused Hospitals

823-icon Disused Hospitals Zelophilia827-icon Disused Hospitals Mysophobia821-icon Disused Hospitals Amnesia831-icon Disused Hospitals Insomnia829-icon Disused Hospitals Melancholia825-icon Disused Hospitals Paranoia

Lost Factories

953-icon Lost Factory Joule951-icon Lost Factory Kelvin957-icon Lost Factory Gal961-icon Lost Factory Lux959-icon Lost Factory Tesla955-icon Lost Factory Decibel


1164-icon Reserve for Ferno1166-icon Reserve for Strom1168-icon Reserve for Clone1170-icon Reserve for Tning1172-icon Reserve for Khole1174-icon Reserve for Dust

Disaster Management

2024-icon Flame Disaster Management Office Tonbi2026-icon Water Disaster Management Office Adélie2028-icon Wind Disaster Management Office Althea2030-icon Light Disaster Management Office Hayabusa

Gift Events 063-icon 1.5 Million Anniversary Event474-icon 2 Million Anniversary Event278-icon Knights of the Round Side Story377-icon Divinehood347-icon Genius of Divine424-icon The Beat of Autonomy632-icon Restrict and Release218-icon Twilight Judgement559-icon 3.0million Anniversary762-icon After Judgement024-icon Behind The World896-icon A Happy New Year1013-icon Holy Night's Wish543-icon Wind Boys260-icon Queen's Resolution391-icon Beauty's Purify628-icon Blade of the General1148-icon Tomorrow's Weather1205-icon A Holiday1266-icon Former War1381-icon Episode Area1851-icon Hikari Birthday Festival1852-icon Ginji Birthday Festival1966-icon Yukari Birthday Festival1967-icon Akane Birthday Festival2054-icon Aoto Birthday Festival
Recurring Events 382-icon Mr. Divine ☆ DungeonDoor to Eldorado Door to Eldorado900-icon Lostloss Temple180-icon Material Area
Egg Casinos 187-icon Flare Rush Casino (VIP) • 190-icon Aqua Rush Casino (VIP) • 193-icon Wind Rush Casino (VIP) • 196-icon Gold Rush Casino (VIP) • 199-icon Dark Rush Casino (VIP) • 202-icon Silver Rush Casino (VIP) • 204-icon Colorful Rush Casino (VIP) • 773-icon Plus Rush Casino